The NESG Membership Structure

NESG, Think-Tank, NESG Nigeria, The Nigerian Economic Summit Group

An overview of the NESG membership structure

Join the "Agents of Change"

Membership at NESG provides organisations with the rare opportunity of contributing to national development working with the Policy Commissions in shaping public policy, identifying challenges, recommending policy interventions and implementation strategies that would lead to sectoral and ultimately private sector led national economic development that is regionally and globally competitive.

Membership Categories

Membership Fee: N100M per annum

  Exclusive Insights

 High-Level Panel/ Platform Visibility

 Nesg Capabilities Supporting Their Corporate Sustainability Strategy

 Ceo Opinion Articles On Websites

 Co-Chair Or Member Of Policy Commission

 Raise The Profile Of Executives As National Change Leaders

 Visible Corporate Responsibility

 The Ceo As Policy Partner

 High-Impact Influencer In National Interest

 Co-Branding Of All Corporate Supported Initiatives

 Executive Sessions At Nesg Radio

 Exclusive Opportunities To Align Csr To Impactful Development Outcomes

 Raise The Profile Of The Corporation As Institutional Agent Of Change

Membership Fee: N6M per annum

 Chief Executive Officer and two top-level executives as its representatives in the NESG shall enjoy all incidental rights of Invitation/ access to advocacy programmes such as Policy Dialogues, Breakfast Meetings, Public Lectures, Roundtable Discussions, Conferences, etc.

 Opportunity to influence policy in the national interest and good practice sharing.

 The company shall participate in selection of focus areas for research, policy task forces and core partnerships.

 The company shall have access to in-house research and publications, receive output of published reports and other NESG publications, and access to online data bank, special presentations and documentaries.

 The company shall have three votes through its representatives present in person or by proxy at general meetings and elections.

 The Chief Executive Officers shall collectively hold fifteen seats out of the total twenty-six seats on the Board of NESG.

 Opportunity to fund and support NESG Fellowship programme

 Opportunity to join NESG Policy Commissions

 Priority access to high level B2B and B2G networking opportunities as well as invitation to participate as NESG representative on specialized government task force to which invitation has been extended to NESG

Membership Fee: N3M per annum

 Invitation/ access to advocacy programmes such as Policy Dialogues, Breakfast Meetings, Public Lectures, Roundtable

 Opportunity to influence policy in the national interest and good practice sharing.

 The company shall have access to in-house research and publications, receive output of published reports and other NESG publications, and access to online data bank, special presentations and documentaries.

 Opportunity to join NESG Policy Commissions

How to Join

Organisations or individuals willing to joining the NESG membership should click the button below
Click here