Event Description

Posted Fri, Sep 17, 2021 6:20 AM

Timeframe: Mon, Oct 4, 2021 7:00 PM - Mon, Oct 4, 2021 7:00 PM

Bridging the Housing and Urban Development Guide

“The Summit will take a human-centred approach to security by focusing deliberations on key elements of Human Security that prioritise:  Equitable access to secure income or employment, education, housing, and services;”

No singular sector has as much associated value chain impact as Housing and UD.  It is impossible to build homes without accessible transportation, water & sanitation, or power/ energy.  If Not Now When? Has to be our new mantra.  Housing deficit at 17 – 20 million (guestimate) it is critical and obvious and overdue that an intervention is needed today.  While 2020’s Economic Sustainability Plan advocate for 300,000 units, this is drop in the ocean.

NESG has to champion for social and economic change through drivers that include Housing provision and planning on scale that makes Urban Development central to how towns and cities grow.  It is therefore against the backdrop of the 27th Nigeria Economic Summit that we hold this much needed pre-summit event coinciding fortuitously with World UN Habitat Day.


I.Update the National Urban Development Policy 2012.- “One of the implicit aims of any urban development initiative is to achieve the national goals and objectives for the country”

II.Adoption of land use policies for urban centres which takes account of aimed at social inclusion and improving the quality of living of urban dwellers, especially the urban poor, youth and women; and people living with disabilities, 

III.Understand the central role of Urban Development in socials infrastructure including but not limited to development of industrial estates, markets, corner centres,  recreational and tourist hot spots, sporting facilities., 

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