Introducing the NESG Volunteer Management System

Posted Fri, Jun 2, 2023 11:09 AM

Introducing the NESG Volunteer Management System

The Nigerian Economic Summit Group launched the Volunteer Management System - the NESG Volunteer’s Portal for self-service and engagement.

The Volunteer Management System is a platform to manage the volunteers through their entire lifecycle in the NESG: Recruitment – onboarding – engagement (participation in projects/activities through the different interventions and work-groups) – performance evaluation – rewards/recognition/badges- training/development - exit management. The VMS manages the entire volunteer process at the NESG and provides the following benefits: 

  1. Streamlined Volunteer Recruitment: The volunteer management system provides a centralized platform for efficiently recruiting and Onboarding volunteers. It simplifies the application process, tracks volunteer availability, and matches volunteers with appropriate opportunities based on their skills, interests, and availability.
  2. Volunteer Engagement: Through the portal, volunteers will be able to participate in projects and activities based on their interests, expertise and availability. It enables automated notifications, event reminders, and updates, keeping volunteers informed and connected. This fosters a sense of belonging and increases volunteer satisfaction and retention.
  3. Improved Volunteer Tracking and Management: The system provides a comprehensive database for managing volunteer information, including contact details, skills, certifications, and participation history. It simplifies tracking volunteer hours, assignments, and performance evaluation, ensuring accurate records and facilitating efficient volunteer management.
  4. Data-Driven Decision Making: The system generates insightful reports and analytics on volunteer demographics, activities, and impact. This data allows us to assess the effectiveness of volunteer, manage performance, and make data-driven decisions to improve program and reward productivity.
  5. Enhanced Communication and Collaboration: The system provides a platform for seamless communication and collaboration among volunteers, staff, and coordinators. It facilitates group messaging, document sharing, and discussion forums, fostering teamwork and enabling volunteers to support one another.
  6. Positive Volunteer Experience: Overall, the volunteer management system will enhance the volunteer experience. It will provide a user-friendly interface, convenient access to information, and opportunities for volunteers to contribute meaningfully. This positive experience will foster long-term volunteer engagement, advocacy, and a positive organizational reputation.

Visit to join our network of volunteers. 

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