Covid-19: You are not Alone

Posted Mon, Mar 23, 2020 7:14 AM

Covid-19: You are not Alone

The Nigerian Economic Summit Group understands the attention and concern of our country and the world has centred on the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We have been carefully monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation and are taking proactive and necessary measures to protect the health and wellbeing of everyone involved in our community. We will continue to monitor the changing nature of the current situation and make decisions that ensure the wellbeing of our staff, volunteers, fellows and members.

The NESG’s objectives are always rooted In The National Interest; therefore, during these trying times, our responsibilities transcend beyond our immediate community – we seek to ensure the limitation of the COVID-19 spread across Nigerian and African communities. To achieve this, it is the responsibility of individuals in our communities to observe personal hygiene, stay away from large group gatherings and educate others in their immediate rural or urban communities.

To effectively benefit from social distancing and self-isolation, we must take a collective approach.

Let’s stay #AloneTogether

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