Event Description

Posted Tue, Aug 17, 2021 8:51 AM

Timeframe: Wed, Sep 8, 2021 7:00 PM - Wed, Sep 8, 2021 7:00 PM

Nigeria's Private Sector and PPD; State of Play: A Conversation on The Role of Public-PrivateDialogue in Nigeria's Socio-Economic Development

The Nigerian economy has a promising outlook with its exit from the 2020 recession in the fourth quarter of 2020and renewed hope of a faster recovery in 2021. However, economic activities are still weak,according to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN),with the worseningpoverty situation due to the combined effects of high unemployment, risinginflation, COVID-19, among other factors.The rising unemployment and poverty rates portendgrave implications for Nigeria’s economic stability in 2021, especially in revenue mobilization and private sector expansion.

While the government is responsible for creating an enabling environment through legislationand policies, the private sector is a major contributor to economic growth in Nigeria. Therefore, it is imperative that the private sector consistentlyengagesthe government through Public-PrivateDialogue (PPD) to ensure collaborative efforts towardspolicy effectiveness, enabling environment andsustainable economic growth. Itis crucialfor the public and private sector to engage through a neutralplatform to discuss prevailing issues and proffer sustainable solutions to promote economic recoveryand sustainable growth.

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