NESG Mourns the Death of Founding Father, Dick Kramer

Posted Wed, Apr 20, 2022 6:45 AM

NESG Mourns the Death of Founding Father, Dick Kramer

We join the entire nation to mourn the passing of one of our founding fathers, Mr Dick Kramer OFR, a top management expert and unarguably, the patriarch of management consulting in Nigeria. His keen intellect helped to stimulate the growth of Nigeria’s corporate environment and financial sector and his tireless efforts helped birth the Nigerian Economic Summit in 1993. 

Although not born a Nigerian, Mr Dick Kramer was deeply passionate about the growth and development of Nigeria and he did this by contributing tirelessly to the grooming of generations of management consultants to world class standards, and leaving an indelible mark in the sands of time.

At the NESG, we rededicate ourselves to advancing the vision and works of Mr Dick Kramer in the national interest. The NESG will always be inspired by Mr Dick Kramer’s forthrightness and doggedness in paving the way for a globally competitive economy and business environment for Nigeria, despite the odds. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with his beloved family at this time.

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