Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) About The NESG Bridge Fellowship

Posted Fri, Oct 25, 2019 8:44 AM

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) About The NESG Bridge Fellowship

The Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) in conjunction with LEAP Africa is pleased to announce the NESG Bridge Fellowship. The NESG Bridge Fellowship is a merit-based fellowship jointly designed and administered by the NESG, a private sector Think-Tank and Policy Advocacy Group, and LEAP Africa, a youth-leadership development non-profit organization.

Fellows will conduct their policy research and advocacy activities in-line with the Nigerian Economic Summit Group’s (NESG) 11 policy commissions, which include: Energy, science and technology, manufacturing and solid minerals development, agriculture and food security, infrastructure and logistics, human capital development, governance and institutions, trade investment and competitiveness, finance financial inclusion and financial markets, sustainability and tourism, hospitality, entertainment, creative and sports industries policy commissions.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s)

  1. Is the NESG Bridge Fellowship a full on-site programme or on-line?
  • The NESG Bridge Fellowship Program is blended. It is a mix of on-site and on-line learning.
  1. Will the fellowship be residential?
  • The fellowship will have two (2) on-site touch workshops, that will be residential; the first will be the one (1) week kick off programme and the second will be a Networking Session.
  1. Where will the programme be situated?
  • The majority of interactions and activities during the fellowship will be virtual, with two (2) on-site touch points in Lagos and Abuja.
  1.  Is the fellowship open to interested applicants who are currently employed?
  • Yes. The fellowship is only open to those who are currently engaged in work- whether as employees or entrepreneurs
  1. Within the 18 months of the programme, what will be the frequency of capacity building engagements with the fellows? For instance, how many hours per week will be required of fellows?
  • Fellows would study at their own pace with a deadline every month for accountability purposes.
  1. Although, the value of the fellowship far outweighs any monetary benefit, will there be stipends for the fellows? Hence, is it a paid fellowship?
  • This is not a paid fellowship. However selected fellows would be given per diems during the on-site touch points
  1. What do I need to apply?
  • Participants will be required to submit: 
  1. An application form
  2. A Cover Letter, stating your motivation and why you should be selected for the fellowship.
  3. A 500-word essay sharing your thoughts on a policy issue of their choosing - related to one of the 11 policy commissions of the NESG – and why you think this issue is important.
  4. A two-minute video briefly describing who you are and explaining the reason for your interest in the policy issue you wrote about.
  5. Any additional document (of not more than three pages) to support your application e.g. an article with a policy focus, learnings or outcomes of a community project or social work, etc.
  1. How do I apply?

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